Piltuudis: Helen Adamson näeb välja kui snäkk ja teeb teatavaks elumuutva otsuse

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Helen Adamson.
Helen Adamson. Foto: Helen Adamson/ Instagram

Lauljatar Helen Adamson jagab sotsiaalmeedia kontol suvist bikiinipilti, ent mitte asjata - Adamson teeb selle postitusega teatavaks olulise uudise.

Naine postitab oma Instagrami pildil, millel naudib musta värvi bikiinides Eestimaa suve. Samuti jagab ta uudist, et on otsustanud liha söömisest loobuda.

«Mõned nädalad tagasi otsustasin ma lihast loobuda. See oli minu jaoks moraalne ning emotsionaalne otsus,» kirjutab lauljatar oma Instagrami postituses.

«Vanemaks saades on ka minu armastus loomade vastu kasvanud. Mida rohkem ma teadvustasin enesele, keda ma söön, tabas mind süütunne. Ma ei ole kunagi eriti liha armastanud, seega sellest loobumine ei ole minu jaoks eriti keeruline olnud,» lisab ta.

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A few weeks ago I decided that I will quit eating meat. It was purely a moral and an emotional decision for me. When you have followed my stories I am sure you understand why. • The older I have gotten the more my love for animals has grown. As I started to be more concious and aware about who I am eating off course I felt quilty. I have never loved meat or felt a hudge desire for it so leaving it out really hasn't been difficult for me. • It was 13 years ago when I became a vegetarian first time for about 5 years. Just because even thinking about eating meat made me nauseous. Later on I understood why. • About 10 years ago I read about blood type diet and for my blood type meat isn't even recommended. I found many foods in there that I didn't like and that weren't suitable for me as well. • It was the first time I learned how I had intuitively listened to what my body needs and now I am just going back to it. Feeling better both emotionally and physically. • If you eat something that you don't like because it is said to be healty I truly believe you are not doing justice to yourself. As I am sure you already know some things that are healthy to some might be unhealthy to others. • Our body and mind are connected, listen to both of them and you will feel happier and healthier. GOLDEN from inside and out ? #MySunriseGold #GalaxyS9 #WithGalaxy ?@taavitonnisson

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