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VIDEO Kui palju on 50 aastaga jõudnud Marsile inimprügi?

Toimetaja: Inna-Katrin Hein
NASA kulguri Perseverance'i tehtud foto termotekist Marsil, kus on vastavalt arvutusele üle 7000 kilogrammi inimprügi

See SWNS story SWBRmars.

Is there life on Mars? That’s unknown, but there is garbage. 

NASA's Perseverance rover sparked interest this week when it spotted an apparently manufactured silver object on the Red Planet. 

However, the U.S. space agency has quickly dampened conspiracy theorist’s excitement by claiming it is debris from the rover’s landing equipment.

Although they have conceded it is a mystery how the 'thermal blanket' appeared 2km away from where the descent happened.

Speaking in the first-person, the ‘rover’ announced Wednesday (15 June): “My team has spotted something unexpected: It’s a piece of a thermal blanket that they think may have come from my descent stage, the rocket-powered jet pack that set me down on landing day back in 2021.
NASA kulguri Perseverance'i tehtud foto termotekist Marsil, kus on vastavalt arvutusele üle 7000 kilogrammi inimprügi See SWNS story SWBRmars. Is there life on Mars? That’s unknown, but there is garbage. NASA's Perseverance rover sparked interest this week when it spotted an apparently manufactured silver object on the Red Planet. However, the U.S. space agency has quickly dampened conspiracy theorist’s excitement by claiming it is debris from the rover’s landing equipment. Although they have conceded it is a mystery how the 'thermal blanket' appeared 2km away from where the descent happened. Speaking in the first-person, the ‘rover’ announced Wednesday (15 June): “My team has spotted something unexpected: It’s a piece of a thermal blanket that they think may have come from my descent stage, the rocket-powered jet pack that set me down on landing day back in 2021. Foto: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SWNS/Scanpix

USA Lääne-Virgina ülikooli teadlase Cagri Kilici sõnul on inimesed uurinud meie naaberplaneeti Marssi üle 50 aasta, kuid samas ka seda ka prügistades.

ÜRO kosmoseasjade büroo andmetel on riigid saatnud 14 erineva missiooni jooksul Marsile 18 inimese loodud objekti. Paljud neist missioonidest on seni pooleli, kuid Marsi uurimise käigus aastakümnete jooksul on inimkond jätnud planeedi pinnale palju prahti, kirjutab The Conversation.

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