Kuula MIA Eesti Laulu võistluslugu pealkirjaga «Bon Voyage». Avalda arvamust - kuidas meeldib?
Eesti Laul 2012: MIA - «Bon Voyage»
Esitaja: MIA
Autor: Vahur Valgmaa
Lingid: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mia-s%C3%B5brad-ja-f%C3%A4nnid/151859851491228
I wanted to talk about this a long time ago
long long time ago
Bon voyage
Reflecting back at what you get mmm
champagne life comes step by step mm
going through the pain can lead you to light, light
its your story your glory its your life, it's your life
Bon voyage
be ready to wave
reach out your hands
bon voyage
it's a new day
it's in your hands
Simultaneos release
(first) you feel the tension then the ease
explosion comes eventually
and all you have to do is believe
Bon voyage
it's hard to let go
but it's best you know
bon voyage
once for you
once for you all
Once for you
once for you all