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Endine pornostaar Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson 2012. aastal.
Jenna Jameson 2012. aastal. Foto: mavrixonline.com/Scanpix

Ettevõtja ja endine pornostaar Jenna Jameson (45) on kaalust alla võtnud üle 20 kilogrammi.

«Pidage meeles, et enne ja pärast pildid pole vaid näitamaks seda, et oled peenike. Need näitavad ka seda, kui palju rasket tööd on tehtud ja kui palju tähelepanu on pööratud tervisele,» teatas Jenna sotsiaalmeedias. 

Jenna on avaldanud ka, et ülekaalulisus ei tähenda alati, et inimene on seetõttu ebatervislik. «On väga võimalik, et oled peenike ja hirmuäratavalt ebatervislik.»


Here goes nothing. #motivationmonday UUUGH. I didn’t want to post this before picture. But once I mulled it over in my mind, I realized how important normalizing women’s true bodies is. This is normal. This is beautiful. My transition to health has helped me realize a lot of my connection to “skinniness” was unhealthy. It’s very possible to be thin and frightening unhealthy. So thickness does not equate to being sick, but mine was. I was pre diabetic, and a literal sloth. I remember back when I weighed 80 lbs and was starving myself... I thought that was pretty at the time but had no clue. I’m now a healthy size 4 and can keep up with my kids. Hallelujah! So remember these #beforeandafter pictures aren’t just to show the esthetics of being slim, they show hard work and attention to my inside health. This is a years worth of recalibration and focus. So in closing, remember how important your precious health is... don’t stress on what is staring back at you in that mirror. #ketotransformation #ketodiet #beforeandafterweightloss #cellulite #keto #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #intermittentfasting

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