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FOTO «Armastuse saare» staar avaldas, et on langenud kättemaksuporno ohvriks (1)

Zara McDermott 2018. aastal.
Zara McDermott 2018. aastal. Foto: Capital Pictures/Scanpix

Briti tõsielusarjast «Armastuse saar» tuntud Zara McDermott (23) avaldas sotsiaalmeedias, et on lagenud kättemaksuporno ohvriks. 

Tõsielustaar rääkis teemast Instagrami vahendusel. «Neile, kes ei tea, mis see on: see on  põhimõtteliselt see, kui üks inimene jagab teisest inimesest intiimseid pilte ja videoid ilma tema nõusolekuta.»

Zara sõnul valmib sellest koostöös telekanali BBC-ga dokumentaalfilm. «Minu peamine eesmärk on tõsta sel teemal teadlikkust ning olla hääleks neile, kes on pidanud vaikides kannatama.» 

Naine avaldab ka, et see negatiivne kogemus on tema elu tohutult mõjutanud ning alles nüüd on ta esimest korda valmis enesekindlalt ka oma lugu rääkima ja jagama. «Loodan, et see toob kaasa positiivseid muutusi ning vähendab ohvrite süütunnet.»

Dokumentaalfilm saab valmis mõne kuu pärast.


ANNOUNCEMENT. Hi Everyone. Some of you may be aware that I have been a victim of Image Based Sexual Abuse, which is also known as Revenge Porn. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s basically when one person shares intimate images of videos of another person without their consent. I am really humbled and honoured to announce that the BBC and I are currently making a documentary to share my story. My main aim is to bring awareness to this issue, and be a voice for those who have suffered in silence and to help make a change. I am sharing my story and being my most vulnerable, emotional and raw. This has affected my life and me as a person tremendously, and for the first time I’m confident enough to properly speak out and share my story. I am nervous to share these intimate details with the world but I hope that it will only make positive change and lessen the blame on us victims. The documentary will be out in a few months time on @bbcthree. Thank you so much❤️

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