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Arhiivifotod: Meenuta, missugune nägi režissöör Christopher Nolani ära võlunud Linnahall ehitamise ajal

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Tallinna linnahall laguneb
Tallinna linnahall laguneb Foto: Konstantin Sednev

Arhitektuurimuuseum meenutab Instagramis sel nädalal algavate Christopher Nolani filmi «Tenet» üheks keskseks toimumispaigaks valitud Linnahalli – mille katuse on veel teadmata eesmärgil ehitatud vineerist kaldteed – enda ehitamise aega.

Nii linnaelanike kui ka turistide poolt armastatud suurehitis, mis juba aastaid paraku jõude seisab, asub majutab filmimaailma, mida näevad tuhanded Eesti statistid juba filmivõtetel sel pühapäeval, ülejäänud maailm aga alles tuleva aasta juulikuus, kui linalugu kinodesse jõuab. Linnahalli disainis Raine Karp koos Riina Altmäega. Fotod pärinevad aastast 1979 kuni 1980.


Linnahall, the behemoth of a building on Tallinn seaside, is off limits for the next couple of weeks because Christopher Nolan is filming his next blockbuster here and elswhere in Tallinn. The building has been closed for years now, but its walkable roof is among the most popular hangout places for tallinners. Inside the building there's a concert hall with 4200 seats, and an ice rink with 3000. Linnahall was designed by Raine Karp with help from Riina Altmäe. Construction period photos by Ly Vikerpuur, circa 1979-1980. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #linnahall #tallinn #tenet #mytallinn #michaelcaine #estonianarchitecture #sovietarchitecture #rainekarp #clemencepoesy #aarontaylorjohnson #sovmod #ivofelt #socialistmodern #kennethbranagh #filminglocation #filmlocation #allfilm #arhitexture #archistory #limestonearchitecture #christophernolan #robertpattison #johndavidwashington #engineering #publicbuilding #elizabethdebicki #dimplekapadia

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Linnahall, the behemoth of a building on Tallinn seaside, is off limits for the next couple of weeks because Christopher Nolan is filming his next blockbuster here and elswhere in Tallinn. The building has been closed for years now, but its walkable roof is among the most popular hangout places for tallinners. Inside the building there's a concert hall with 4200 seats, and an ice rink with 3000. Linnahall was designed by Raine Karp with help from Riina Altmäe. Construction period photos by Ly Vikerpuur, circa 1979-1980. In the second pic there are construction workers (actually complete amateurs) from the exotic Soviet states like Kyrgyzstan dipping in the cooling pool which was not meant for swimming. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #linnahall #tallinn #tenet #mytallinn #michaelcaine #estonianarchitecture #sovietarchitecture #rainekarp #clemencepoesy #aarontaylorjohnson #sovmod #ivofelt #socialistmodern #kennethbranagh #filminglocation #filmlocation #allfilm #arhitexture #archistory #limestonearchitecture #christophernolan #robertpattison #johndavidwashington #engineering #publicbuilding #elizabethdebicki #dimplekapadia

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