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Tõeline ime! Pornostaar loobus edukast karjäärist just selle ajaloolise tegelase pärast

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Brittni De La Mora
Brittni De La Mora Foto: Kuvatõmmis Youtube'i videost

Brittni De La Mora (32), lavanimega Jenna Presley, pornokarjäär on kauge minevik, sest naine on leidnud usu, Jeesuse ja jumala.

Brittni sattus pornomaailma kõigest 18-aastaselt ning võttis oma erootilise karjääri ajal osa kuni 275 täiskasvanute filmist. Jenna Presleyna pälvis ta mitmeid auhindu, 2010. aastal nimetati ta ka üheks parimaks nais pornostaariks ajakirjas Maxim.


In 2009, I was paid to dress up as Satan for a movie. I laugh at this now, because the devil thought he had me. He thought he had the victory. I wonder if he ever foresaw his defeat. In this photo I was strung out on morphine and actually had a seizure on set that day. I was rushed to the E.R. to be treated then went straight back to set to finish working. I was exhausted. It looked like Satan had the victory, but looks can be deceiving; because what he didn’t know was that Christ was patiently awaiting my return. God was building my testimony and He knew He would one day use it for His glory. What’s going wrong in your life? Because in 2009 I had A Lot going wrong in my life. But in 2013 God worked it all together for good and He will do the same for you! Don’t let your circumstances defeat you. Don’t stay stuck in life just because you tell yourself you’ll never find better nor deserve better, because those are lies. You deserve God’s very best for your life and if you surrender it to Him, He will produce something so great in you that you will inspire the lives of everyone around you. So stay encouraged because God is doing something so beautiful and so powerful through your brokenness. It might look like you’ve been defeated, but God is not done with you yet! The best is yet to come for you! #testimony

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Tema edukat filmikarjääri saatsid aga depressioon, meelemürkide kuritarvitamine, prostitutsioon ja mitmed enesetapu katsed. «Ma olin täielik heroiinisõltlane,» tunnistas Brittni Life Today intervjuus. 

Mõne aja möödudes, 2012. aastal, tegi Brittni lõpliku otsuse ja jättis Jenna Presley minevikku! Pärast seda pühendas naine ennast täielikult jumalale.

Algas intiimne ja põhjalik tervenemine koos jumala abiga. Läbi selle ja läbi püha vaimu andestuse, leidis Brittni tee kristluse juurde ning kõnnib seda rada tänini. 2013. aastal jagas ta oma teekonda ka avalikkusele. 


I can’t believe I’m already Half Way Through my pregnancy ????. Time is going by quickly. • • Fun Facts! I am 20 weeks pregnant today. I’m due August 5th. Our daughter moves around almost every time I eat. I don’t crave food very often. In the beginning I did want junk food - I craved Macdonald’s, Taco Bell & Hot Cheetos, which is so weird because I hadn’t eaten any of these foods in probably 10 years - I gave into each craving once (hot Cheetos twice), but then I told myself NO MORE! This food isn’t good for me or my baby. So, I’ve been practicing self-control and since then have not had any cravings (mind over matter ??‍♀️). Now I just want to eat as clean as I can. I eat mostly plant based, but do eat salmon or meat on occasion, if I feel like that’s what I want or if that’s all that’s available (potlucks ?). I never had morning sickness. My worst pregnancy symptom was headaches in the beginning and now I get heartburn once or twice per week. I workout 4-5 days a week and am grateful to have the energy to do so. • • Last year when I was told that with my progesterone levels as low as they were I would not conceive or that if I did conceive, I would miscarry (because I was premenopausal), I began working with a natural medicine doctor to regulate my hormones. I am grateful I did this, because I believe this is a huge reason my pregnancy has been so easy. It’s also the reason I was able to conceive in the first place... ?? that and of course because of all the prayers we sent up to Heaven. If you’ve been trying to conceive, don’t give up miracles do happen! Also, check out @naturalfertilityinfo they have incredible resources. My doctor actually prescribed me herbs from their website to help me conceive last year! I’m praying for you today and I believe your miracle is on the way! ?

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Minevikust inspireeritult käib Brittni siiani pornograafia konventsioonidel, kuid allkirjade asemel jagab ta välja hoopis piibleid. Ta on liitunud ka kogukonnaga XXX Church (XXX Kirik), kus seksisõltlased saavad osaleda väljakutsetes nagu «30 päeva ilma pornograafiata». Lisaks XXX Church vajalikke õpitubasid, mis on saadaval nii meestele, naistele kui ka paaridele.

2016. aastal abiellus Brittni pastoriga, kellega ta samuti kirikus kohtus. Brittnil on ka Youtube'i kanal, kus ta jagab koos abikaasaga suhte nõuandeid ja palju muud. Paari ellu on peagi ilmumas ka nende esimene ühine tütar.

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