«Beverly Hills, 90210» ja «Riverdale» sarjadest tuntud Luke Perry suri 52-aastasena möödunud nädalal saadud infarkti. Näitleja surma järel on paljud staarid temaga sotsmeedia vahendusel hüvasti jätnud.
«Beverly Hills, 90210» ja «Riverdale» sarjadest tuntud Luke Perry suri 52-aastasena möödunud nädalal saadud infarkti. Näitleja surma järel on paljud staarid temaga sotsmeedia vahendusel hüvasti jätnud.
RIP Luke Perry .. big love to his friends and family ❤️???tragic
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) 4 March 2019
Luke Perry was a great actor and truly one of a kind. Watching him on 90210 was one of the reasons why I wanted to move to LA. Thinking of his family and friends on and off the set. Rest in peace.
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) 4 March 2019
— Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) 4 March 2019
made every
situation better,
my man.
your wit
your charm
your giant heart,
inspired and
enchanted so many
of us,
on countless
with brilliant aplomb.
R.I.P good sir.
i am
truly honored
to have known you
all of these years.
Dear Liuke ..love love and my heart is so sad I’m sending love to your family and Alexis is waiting for you ,you will laugh and dance God bless you ???????
— Rosanna Arquette (@RoArquette) 4 March 2019
My heart is broken. I will miss you so much Luke Perry. Sending all my love to your family. ❤️ #LukePerry
— Molly Ringwald (@MollyRingwald) 4 March 2019
Luke Perry was my 1st crush. Eh, more like obsession (I wore pins w his face on them to school ?) I used to dream of making it to LA just to meet him. I never got to, but I've always heard he was a really great person. ? Praying for his family & kids.... Rest in love ❤️❤️❤️❤️?
— Olivia Munn (@oliviamunn) 4 March 2019
Luke Perry was a kindhearted and incredibly talented artist. It was an honor to be able to work with him. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his loved ones.
— Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) 4 March 2019
— John Stamos (@JohnStamos) 4 March 2019
Heartbroken. This can’t be real. Luke is one of the most kind, down to earth and hard-working men in this business. Gutted for his family, and friends. He was so young. Damnit. Praying.
— justin baldoni (@justinbaldoni) 4 March 2019
So shocking so young! RIP sweet Luke. My love goes out to your family and friends. “Luke Perry passes away just days after the Beverly Hills 90210 star was rushed to the hospital” pic.twitter.com/lkTlKbh8Fj
— Marlee Matlin (@MarleeMatlin) 4 March 2019
Floored. Bless him. Comfort to his kids and family. So damn sad. #RIPLukePerrry https://t.co/w7f3Ghce0J
— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) 4 March 2019
I don’t understand how he’s gone.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) 4 March 2019
His soul always shined so bright. His smile. His talent. His kindness. He was always the coolest person in the room.
Rest with the angels, sweet Luke. I will never forget you. pic.twitter.com/17AzJD491m