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Suvi on tulekul: heidame pilgu fitness-staaridele, kes sotsmeedias ilma teevad

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Erna Husko.
Erna Husko. Foto: Erakogu

Kuna suvi pole enam kaugel, toob Elu24 teieni tuntumad fitness-staarid kodu- ja välismaalt. Kes teab, äkki aitavad just need instastaarid mõnel meist üles leida kaua otsitud motivatsiooni taas trenni tegema hakata!

  • Instagram: @tammyhembrow, 9,2 miljonit jälgijat

Austraaliast pärit Tammy on edukas mitmel rindel: tal on nii oma fitness-äpp kui ka kaks ettevõtet. Üks neist keskendub trenniriiete valmistamisele ja teine aitab inimesi personaalsete toitumis- ja treeningkavadega.

24-aastane Tammy on kahe lapse ema ning hiljuti kihises välismeedia, et tal on suhe räppar Tygaga, kes on Kylie Jenner endine kallim.

  • Instagram: @brittnebabefitness, 422 tuhat jälgijat

USA-st pärit Brittne on tuntud tänu oma kodustele treeningkavadele. Ta on ka erinevate väljakutsete looja ning talle kuulub oma veebilehekülg, kus on võimalik endale tellida personaalseid kavasid. 


[swipe + save for later] #BrittneBABE21DayChallenge NEW Contest EVERY Week!!! ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ANKLE WEIGHT HOME ABS!!! ??? Okeeyy this core circuit tho... let me tell you... your abs will be on fireeeeeeeeee and it’ll be so worth it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don’t forget to double tap & bookmark under your ‘Ankle Weights’ workout collection. ♥️ If you fancy a little circuit before you go to bed or early in the morning, try this workout. I train abs daily and every night before bed, I get myself into this mess right here, in my work/ content room. ?? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CIRCUIT: 1️⃣ Reverse Plank Taps 2️⃣ Bi Tri Skull Crusher with Bicycles 3️⃣ Ab Smashers 4️⃣ Raises with Leg Lifts 5️⃣ Crunch Chest Press ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ METHOD: 30 seconds each exercise. Perform 1-3 rounds total. Finish with a light stretch. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ?Visit BrittneBabe.com & SIGN UP for my Online 21 Day Challenge: Vol 8. It includes FULL, HD Workout Videos, 3 Week Training Guides (body & free weights), Home Workouts, 21 Daily Menu Plans, Shopping List, Meal Guide, private Facebook support group + more!

A post shared by “Queen of Home Workouts” ?? (@brittnebabefitness) on


[swipe + save for later] #BrittneBABE21DayChallenge NEW Contest EVERY Week!!! ?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don’t forget to double tap & bookmark. ♥️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’ve been to one of my BrittCamps, you’ll know that my classes are always LIT!!! We have sooo much fun with our workouts. Where should I go next? ? Anywho, in honour of @souljaboy having the biggest comeback of 2018, it was only right to celebrate. ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #brittnebabe @brittnebabe #hiit #hiitcircuit ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ?Visit BrittneBabe.com & SIGN UP for my BRAND NEW Online 21 Day Challenge: Vol 8. It includes FULL, HD Workout Videos, 3 Week Training Guides (body & free weights), Home Workouts, 21 Daily Menu Plans, Shopping List, Meal Guide, private Facebook support group + more!

A post shared by “Queen of Home Workouts” ?? (@brittnebabefitness) on

  • Instagram: @stephaniesanzo, jälgijaid 1,3 miljonit

Stephanie Sanzo on Austraaliast pärit fitness-staar, kes on oma suurepärase füüsise saavutanud suuresti raskuste tõstmisega. 2017. aastal kirjutas briti väljaanne Daily Mail, et Stephanie ei pea kardiotreeninguid oluliseks.

Stephaniel on kaks last. Ta on treener ning samuti saab ka tema veebilehelt endale personaalse treeningkava tellida. 


? > swipe > ? W2D2 #buildprogram We are now in Week 2 of my BUILD program for the @sweat 12 Week Challenge ? The program changes every week and helps you apply progressive overload which will ensure you achieve the best results possible ?? A common question I get asked is whether I think people should use high reps or low reps ? My answer is always the same... USE BOTH ? This is the best way to build both strength and lean muscle mass simultaneously. ?? This was my upper body workout today: 1. Close Grip Bench Press 2. DB Neutral Grip Bench Press 3. Underhand Grip Lat Pull Down 4a. Close Grip Push Ups 4b. YTW's 5a. DB Skull Crushers 5b. Bicep Curls. . SONG ? Cold by Nevertel

A post shared by STEPHANIE SANZO (@stephaniesanzo) on

  • Instagram: @kelseywells, jälgijaid 1,9 miljonit

Kelsey on treener ning Sweat PWR treeningkavade looja. Ta jagab oma kontol ka rohkelt enne ja pärast pilte füüsilistest muutustest, mis ta treeningkavadega saavutatud on. 

Samuti näitab Kelsey oma kontol ette ka, kuidas töötavad kõik lihtsamad ja raskemad masinad jõusaalis.

Instagram: @EmilySkyeFit, jälgijaid 2,4 miljonit

Austraaliast pärit Emily on modell, kes hakkas hoopis personaaltreeneriks. Ta postitab Instagrami nii trennivideosid kui ka kaadreid enda suurepärasest füüsilisest vormist. 

Emily'l on pisitütar Mia Elise, keda võib naise erinevatel sotsmeedia kontodelt rohkelt näha. 


I LOVE what lifting weights does for me; the strength it gives me, and the shape it gives my body. ?? I love that it gives me stronger glutes than @recdedmond ?? and I also love that I can eat a LOT because of how much I burn! ? But what I love most of all is how it makes me feel and the mental strength it gives me. The best benefits of lifting weights can’t be seen - they’re felt! That’s why they’re a big part of my FIT Program. They make us strong, confident and happy. ?? These are the reasons I started lifting a decade ago, and why I created my FIT Program; I want others to feel this way too! ??? . ? Trial my FIT APP for 7 days free - link in bio! . . ??‍♂️ @emilyskyefitness ?? . #fitfam #emilyskye #11monthspostpartum #fitmum #strongmama

A post shared by EMILY SKYE (@emilyskyefit) on


1 month postpartum & 11 months postpartum. . I said I was going to do it and I did! ? It’s such a wonderful feeling! ☺️ . IT TAKES TIME LADIES!! When I became pregnant I made the decision to be as honest as possible with you and share everything (well almost everything haha ?). I’ve shown myself at some of my worst and most vulnerable times (mentally and physically) and here I am at my best. ? There were moments when I thought I’d never get there and never feel amazing again but I committed myself. I worked hard and consistently to get here without dieting or training more than an average of 4-5 hours a week (I mainly followed my FIT app). I’m a much better and happier person and mother when I’m active and healthy. I’m SO grateful for my health. ?? If there’s something you want, even if it feels impossible to achieve at the time - BELIEVE YOU CAN GET IT! It takes time so don’t be hard on yourself, it’s not a competition between you and anyone else, and it’s not about comparison. It’s about dedicating yourself to becoming the best you can be and just doing the best you possibly can within your means. - I believe if dont like something and have the ability to change it then do it! ? . I really hope that by sharing my unfiltered postpartum journey I’ve been able to inspire you to work hard to be the best you can be. You truly deserve it, I hope you know that. ? Thank you for being such an incredible support network for me. ?? I appreciate you all so much. ? . P.S. Yes I train in my bikini in my garage gym! ?? . . #11monthspostpartum #emilyskye #fitfam #fitmum #fitmom

A post shared by EMILY SKYE (@emilyskyefit) on

Instagram:  @kayla_itsines, jälgijaid 11,1 miljonit

Austraaliast pärit sertifitseeritud treener on Instagramis ülimalt populaarne. Ka temal on oma treeningprogramm ning ühtlasi on tal ka oma fitness-äpp.

Ühtlasi ootab Kayla oma esimest last ning jagab Instagramis postitusi ka selle kohta, kuidas lapseootel olles end treenida. 


[ Bloating ] Okay so...I know I might LOOK bloated right now ? (I’m pregnant for anyone new here - so that was a joke) but in all seriousness, I never really suffered from bad bloating regularly prior to pregnancy. Here are a few things I think contributed to rarely feeling bloated (I’m talking PRE pregnancy-not during). I ALWAYS TRY to eat consistently and very balanced. When I say “balanced” I’m not talking about junk food vs healthy food, I’m talking about eating things like fruit, veggies, meat, seafood, pasta, bread, rice, olive oil. Next up, WATER. I ALMOST ONLY drink water and herbal tea (apart from my morning coffee) I don’t drink alcohol or soft drink during the day/night. I will have a glass of soft drink if I go out for a dinner or something, but that’s rare. TEA, I drink a herbal tea every night in bed. It helps relax me /my tummy. It has usually has things like licorice, peppermint, fennel and chamomile in it. I also have those teas in their seperate single forms. I WALK, I love walking so I try and walk everywhere. I have a regular sleeping pattern. I do not stay up late (I’m a grandma) I get into bed around 9:30 and I’m asleep within the hour. I also wake up between 5:30 -7:00am everyday. I leant to love yoghurt and warm honey over icecream. Ice cream makes me feel SO sick after I’ve finished it. The yoghurt and honey is amazing and can be had at any time of the day! To sum it all up - a healthy balanced diet, regular eating patterns, regular sleeping patterns, walking, staying hydrated and knowing what my body wants! ?? www.kaylaitsines.com/app #27weekspregnant

A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@kayla_itsines) on

  • Instagram: @eglenabi_bikinipro, jälgijaid 13,8 tuhat

Egle on fitness-sportlane, treener ja tervisenõustaja. Lisaks on ta raamatu «Fitness & Toitumine» üks autoritest. 

Instagrami postitab ta rohkelt treeningvideosid ja kõike muud, mis tema tervisliku eluviisiga kokku sobib.

Instagram: @ernahusko, jälgijaid 52,4 tuhat

Husko on sertifitseeritud treener, kes on Eestis tuntud ka oma tagumiku-programmi poolest.

Instagram: @lilianrannu, jälgijaid 2,401

Lilian on eratreener, kes on saavutanud häid kohti nii kodumaistel kui ka rahvusvahelistel võistlustel. 

Instagram: @helena.mang, jälgijaid 17,7 tuhat

Fitnessisportlane Helena on saavutanud suurepäraseid kohti erinevatel võistlustel: Eesti meister bikiinifitnessis, Eesti karikavõitja bikiinifitnessis, Euroopameistrivõistluste pronksmedalist jne.

Helenal on ka isiklik veebilehekülg, kust kohast on võimalik endale tellida nii treening- kui ka toitumiskavasid.

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