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53-aastane rootsi supermodell poseerib taas paljaste rindadega! (1)

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Paulina Porizkova. 2018.
Paulina Porizkova. 2018. Foto: Vida Press

Tšehhis sündinud rootsi supermodell, näitleja, feminist ja autor Paulina Porizkova (53) poseerib väljaande Sports Illustrated tarbeks palja ülakehaga.

Näitlejatar poseeris Sports Illustrated ajakirja tarbeks esimest korda 36 aastat tagasi ja teeb seda nüüd taas!

Just nagu 20ndates eluaastates, poseerib Porizkova ka sel korral paljaste rindadega, kehakumerusi katmas vaid pisikesed stringid. Fotot vaadates tundub lausa uskumatu, et tegu on 53-aastase naisterahvaga, sest ta näeb palju noorem välja!

Pole kahtlustki, et Paulina on taas suurepärane näide sellest, et vanus on vaid number ja et igas vanuses naised on seksikad ja kaunid.

Vaata veel tema instapilte:


Tuesday evening, Martha’s Vineyard. ⚓️?? . . ? cred: Teodora Roma ? . #paulina4decades

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Paulina’s Picks ? “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith . I used to sit in a plum tree in my grandmother’s backyard in Czech, munching on its green fruits that would inevitably give me a stomach ache, and read “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.” . The book begins with a little girl, Francie Nolan, reading a book on a fire escape, munching on a wafer. A tree is growing out of the cement in the yard outside her fire escape, making her feel as though she is sitting in the tree. . The pleasure I got from this, this perfect symbiotic moment of another little girl reading in a tree, may be in large part responsible for my love of reading. To find little pieces of myself in a book made me feel understood and less lonely. . For I had just met another little girl, a girl from a different country, a different culture, a different time! Yet we had so much in common. But she also ignited in me a curiosity about this place called Brooklyn, and a deep desire to visit and see all that was unfamiliar to me. . And it was from her I got the idea to go to my library and read every book in alphabetical order. (Unfortunately, in my case, I forgot to return some of the books and was ultimately banned from the library.) . Nothing builds empathy like reading a novel. That is what fiction reading is all about; finding little pieces of mutuality with characters so you can move into them and see the world through their eyes. Learning that no matter what divides us - race, language, country, religion, even time - is no match for what unites us. . . #paulinaspicks #atreegrowsinbrooklyn #bettysmith #bookclub . . Photo cred: @speeppola Pillows by Julie & Kamila (my cousin): @junibk

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