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Õudus kuubis! Noor kunstnik paljastab värviliste piltidega holokausti õudused (1)

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Magav saksa sõdur
Magav saksa sõdur Foto: Kuvatõmmis Instagramist

Holokaust oli jube sündmus, mida ei saa olematuks teha, aga mida tahaksid kõik unustada. Hispaania kunstnik Joel Bellviure näitas taaskord, kui õudsa sündmusega oli tegu, kui muutis mitmed mustvalged pildid värviliseks.

Värviliste piltide peal on selgemalt näha, missugustes tingimustes inimesed II maailmasõja aegsetes koonduslaagrites elasid ja missugused välja nägid, vahendas Metro.

17-aastane Joel Bellviure tahab holokausti eitajatele näidata, missugust barbarismi nad kaitsevad. Joel ütles, et eitajatel puudub ajaloost arusaam ja vastuste otsimine katastroofile, mis tappis enam kui viis miljonit juuti, on nende jaoks jätnud ruumi holokausti tõelisusele.

«Nad kutsuvad end ülevaatajateks, kuigi nad rikuvad kõiksugu ajaloolisi meetoteid ja nende ainukeseks eesmärgiks on viha. Võib-olla panevad need pildid neid nägema, missugust barbarlust nad kaitsevad. Holokausti värvilised pildid aitavad mõista, et kuigi see juhtus seitsekümmend aastat tagasi, siis kurjuse tuum ei arene kunagi ning surma ei ole vaja mustvalgete piltidega ilustada,» Joel Bellviure.


Prisioner no. 40472 of the Auschwitz concentration-extermination camp, identified as Michał Liborski. Other sources point Liborski’s number as 20909, and tell us he was born in Czernice on 14 September 1914, and died on 15 April 1942, thus being younger than 28 years old when these pictures were taken by Wilhelm Brasse. Brasse was ordered by SS staff to photograph the prisoners for their files, taking up to 50,000 identity pictures between 1940 and 1945. Dr. Mengele ordered to take the photographs ‘in three poses: from the front and from each side’, one of them always with the head covered. #historiansunion #colorizersunion #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #holocaust #worldwar2 #ww2

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Starving children asking for alms in the Warsaw ghetto, Poland, taken by German soldiers Heinz Joest during a leave in occasion of his birthday on 19 September 1941. The Warsaw was the most prominent German ghetto in Europe, created after the conquest of Poland in the autumn of 1940. 400,000 Jews were mobilised from their homes to an area of less than 4 km2 (an average of 9 persons per room) in inhumane conditions, closed and under strict surveillance of German troops. The Warsaw ghetto worked both as effective concentration facilities and a place to redirect inmates to concentration and mass-killing centres, more precisely according to documentation, to Treblinka. Three quarters -300,000- of the Jews living on the ghetto were killed between 1940 and 1943, when it was completely destroyed by German troops fearing a Polish uprising. #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #color #colour #history #ww1 #wwi #worldwarone #greatwar #thegreatwar #ww2 #wwii #worldwartwo #holocaustrememberanceday #holocaust #warsawghetto

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American soldiers force German civilians from the town of Volary to walk past a group exhumed bodies of 30 Jewish women starved to death by SS troops in a 300 mile march from Helmbrechts concentration camp across Czechoslovakia and then buried, 11 May 1945. The women had been buried in shallow graves in Volary, and the bodies were exhumed by German civilians working under direction of medical personnel of the 5th Infantry Division, to rebury them in a local cemetery. #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #color #colour #history #ww1 #wwi #worldwarone #greatwar #thegreatwar #ww2 #wwii #worldwartwo #holocaustrememberanceday #holocaust #dachau

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Executions of Jews by German army mobile killing units, in German, the Einsatzgruppen, near Ivangorod, Ukraine, 1942. The iconic photo was mailed from the Eastern Front to Germany and intercepted at a Warsaw post office by a member of the Polish resistance collecting documentation on Nazi war crimes. I discovered something on this picture that might rewrite its comprehension. As you can see, they are wearing bags on their heads, except the woman with a child -also with a bag- who, as it can be seen on the left side, has thrown his bag and run away. A soldier is killing her for doing so. In any case, it is known that everybody depicted was executed. Today it marks the Holocaust Remembrance Day, in remembrance of the victims, survivors, and rescuers of the Holocaust. The picture shows the Einsatzgruppen, an aspect often not considered when people think on the Holocaust. They were SS paramilitary death squads responsible for mass killings, generally by shooting. The Einsatzgruppen not only were involved in the murder of hundreds of intellectuals, but of thousands of innocent civilians, Jews, and Gypsies. #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #color #colour #history #ww1 #wwi #worldwarone #greatwar #thegreatwar #ww2 #wwii #worldwartwo #holocaustrememberanceday #holocaustrememberanceday #holocaust

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The corpse of Glyndwr Michael while dressed as William Martin, April 1943. Glyndwr Michael was a Welsh homeless man whose body was used during Operation Mincemeat in the Allied invasion of Sicily. After Michael died from accidental poisoning, he was dressed in a Royal Marines uniform with dozens of items on him identifying as high-ranking officer William Martin and most important, fake documents pointing a -false- intention to invade Greece and Sardinia. The body was released to Spain by submarine where it was identified by the Spanish Fascist Police, which although being neutral sent copies to the German intelligence. Greece and Sardinia were immediately reinforced by the Germans, Sicily was then paved for an invasion. #historiansunion #colorizersunion #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #color #history #worldwar2 #ww2 #wwii #mincemeat

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Members of the 42nd Rainbow Division, 7th US Army uncover a wagon transporting some of the horrors of Dachau, 30 April 1945. Dachau was liberated on Sunday, April 29, 1945, one week before the end of the rendition of Germany. The 42nd Rainbow and the 45th Thunderbird Divisions liberated the camp and its 123 sub-camps supported by the 20th Armored Division. In next posts we will talk about the Dachau liberation reprisals, a series of incidents in which German prisoners of war were killed by American soldiers. Photographed by Lee Miller #colored #colorized #colourised #colorization #colourisation #color #colour #history #ww1 #wwi #worldwarone #greatwar #thegreatwar #ww2 #wwii #worldwartwo #holocaustrememberanceday #holocaust #dachau

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