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Julge samm: pesumodell näitas pärast traagilist õnnetust oma armilist nägu

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Robyn Lawley ei varja enda arme
Robyn Lawley ei varja enda arme Foto: AFP / Scanpix

«Sports Illustratedi» modell Robyn Lawley avaldas pildi enda armilisest näost, pärast seda, kui ta oli traagiliselt trepist alla kukkunud.

29-aastane Robyn Lawley avaldas enne ja pärast fotod enda armidest ning kirjeldas, kuidas ta kaks kuud tagasi trepist alla kukkus, vahendas Fox News. Ta kirjeldas postituse juures, et ta tahab varsti tööle naasta, kuid soovis enne selgitada, mis juhtus.

Austraalia supermodell sõnas, et tal tekkisid krambihood enda kodu juures, ning kukkus selle järel enam kui kaks meetrit treppidest alla. Ta maandus näo peale ja sai tõsiselt viga. Lawley on juba varasemalt teada andnud, et tal on luupus ning antifosfolipiidsündroom.


As I’m getting ready to return to work, feeling strong and near myself again, I want to be completely honest with you, in this day and age where we seemingly share all, I needed some time, healing physically and emotionally. I do however want the truth known. Nearly 2 months ago I had an accident. There’s a reason I was public about my lupus and aps diagnosis from the start, a lifelong incurable (for now) condition I didn’t know what I or still am in for. I unfortunately had a seizure on my staircase, I fell from over 7ft and landed on my face. I suppose it’s ironic that I’m a model, however I’m grateful I didn’t break my neck. I’ve managed to come full circle with that gratefulness, and luck. I could of had it holding my daughter for example, or I could be in a wheelchair, or not breathing at all. With fashion week coming soon I wanted to acknowledge my new lighting bolt scar on my forehead (aka offical wizard now ?‍♀️) lip and chin. As the scars fade, apart of me wants nothing to do with them and a part of me wants to embrace them. They make us who we are. Plus wearing daily makeup to cover my face is something I do not do. Life isn’t all rainbows. I’ve found strength the past few months following people who are brave to share their physical and emotional ongoing battles. Thank you @elly.mayday (battling ovarian cancer) thank you @chelseabonner (battling fibromyalgia) thank you @_indianrosee & @selenagomez (fellow lupus warriors) thank you. To anyone that’s going through something I’m sorry for the pain you have to endure. You are always welcome to DM questions about SLE (lupus) or APS. Thank you to the hospital staff and doctors who were fast to treat me. Thank you to my love of my life saving me. Sending out love and positive vibes. You can always follow @lupusorg or @lupusla to help support lupus research. This photo is from the hospital a couple of months ago and one from a week ago. ?? Peace Robyn

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Luupus on autoimmuunne haigus, mis ründab sinu kudesid ja organeid. Antifosfolipiidsündroom on verehaigus, mis tekib, kui sinu immuunsüsteem ründab veres olevat proteiini.

Modell lisas ka, et ta õnnelik, et ta kukkudes enda kaela ei murdnud ega hoidnud parasjagu käes enda kolmeaastast tütart. Lawley naljatas, et tal on otsaees välgunoole kujuline arm nagu Harry Potteril, ning armist hoolimata ta ei kavatse seda meigiga varjata.

«Samal ajal, kui armid hääbuvad, ei taha üks pool minust nendega mingit tegemist teha, samas kui teine pool tahab neid omaks võtta. Need teevad meist need, kes me oleme. Lisaks ei ole minu moodi igapäev kanda meiki, mis mu nägu katab,» sõnas Lawley.

«Elu ei ole ainult vikerkaared. Ma olen leidnud viimastel kuudel jõudu inimestel, kes on piisavalt julged, et jagada oma käimasolevaid füüsilisi ja emotsionaalseid lahinguid,» lisas modell lõpetuseks.

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