Pühapäeval Kanadas toimunud tulistamises suri kaks inimest ja vigastada 12. Greektowni naabruskonnas toimunud tulistamise järel on erinevad tuntud inimesed jaganud hukkunutele kaastunnet.
Pühapäeval Kanadas toimunud tulistamises suri kaks inimest ja vigastada 12. Greektowni naabruskonnas toimunud tulistamise järel on erinevad tuntud inimesed jaganud hukkunutele kaastunnet.
Tulistamine toimus Danforthi ja Logani puiestee lähedal kell 22, kirjutas Global News Kanada.
Toronto politseiülem Mark Saunders sõnas esmaspäeva hommikul, et korrakaitsjad saabusid sündmukohale ning identifitseerisid kiiresti püstoliga relvastatud kahtlusaluse. Sellele järgnes tulevahetus ning 29-aastane tulistaja suri sündmuskohal.
Pärast seda hakkasid mitmed kuulsused, enamasti kanadalased, sotsiaalmeedia vahendusel ohvrite mälestuseks kasutama Twitteri linke #TorontoStrong ja #Danforth, et avaldada neile kaastunnet.
Kaastunde avaldajate seas oli ka Kanada peaminister Justin Trudeau.
My thoughts are with everyone affected by the terrible tragedy on the Danforth last night in Toronto, and may the injured make a full recovery. The people of Toronto are strong, resilient and brave - and we’ll be there to support you through this difficult time.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) July 23, 2018
Sending good thoughts to the people of Danforth! ❤️
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) July 23, 2018
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their loved ones and everyone affected by yesterday’s tragic incident. Thank you to our city’s first responders. #TorontoStrong pic.twitter.com/IhFLAOWPAa
— Toronto Blue Jays (@BlueJays) July 23, 2018
A few years ago I chose to move to the east end of Toronto, first to East York and then the beach. Every day I've been reminded why I made that choice. I truly love it here. What happened on the Danforth last night was ugly, opportunistic barbarism.
— Jay Baruchel (@BaruchelNDG) July 23, 2018
Toronto can and will endure.
Another night of senseless loss and brutality in my home town. Praying that some of these reported injuries from the shooting don’t turn into fatalities. Thank you to all the officers and doctors working hard tonight to deal with the aftermath. #danforth
— Patrick J Adams (@halfadams) July 23, 2018
Our thoughts and support are with those impacted by the tragic acts of violence committed in our city last night.
— Toronto FC (@torontofc) July 23, 2018
Today and every day, we remain #TorontoStrong