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Fitnessibeib Erna Husko kehakompleksidest: paar aastat tagasi vaatasin iga päev palehigis oma kaalunumbreid

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Erna Husko
Erna Husko Foto: Facebook

Fitnessikaunitar Erna Husko jagab Instagramis isiklikku lugu sellest, kuidas saavutada suuri eemärke ja suurt tagumikku.

Erna Husko pöördub kõigi murelike tüdrukute poole, kardavad vaadata oma kaalunumbreid. Ka tema on teinud läbi selle kohutava perioodi oma noore elu jooksul. «Aastal 2015 jälgisin ma paaniliselt oma kaalu. Iga järgmine hommik lootsin olla grammgi kergem,» kirjeldab Erna. 

Selline elu tekitas kaunitarile kohutavat stressi. «Kui mu kaal tõusis 2-3 grammi, oli mu päev rikutud,» pihib Erna Instagramis. Nüüd on ta aga oma elus uue lehe pööranud, ta ei kaalu end enam üldse. Sööb ka räpmstoitu, kui tuju on.

«Minu tänane eesmärk on lihtsalt tunda end oma kehas hästi ja tervena,» tunnistab Erna ja soovitab ka teistel pigem nii mõelda. «Numbrid on lihtsalt numbrid!» toonitab Erna. 

GIRLS! Here’s the thing. We can’t achieve big goals and big bums if we’re constantly afraid of looking at the number on our scale. ?? In 2015 I was checking my weight DAILY and hoping I’d be even a gram lighter than the previous day. ??‍♀️?✋? I got super stressed out trying to control it and if my weight was increasing 2-3 grams, my day was ruined?! ?? RIGHT NOW I don’t weight myself at all cause my GOAL is to actually feel GOOD and HEALTHY IN MY BODY. ❤️ And that’s what you should do too. If you want to lose weight or get more booty gains, follow your own heart on that journey. ⚡️?? Cause at the end of the day NUMBERS ARE JUST NUMBERS, right?! Lifting heavy doesn’t make you look like a man, if you do it right! ?? . Check out my booty trainings NOW to get the best tips! #linkinbio #bootywitherna

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There’s two versions of me. Both are the same-equal and rare. No makeup, no filters‼️ We often try to show our perfect bodies and flat tummies to the social world. ? Have you ever just sat on the bench and having some belly in front of your eyes cause that’s NORMAL and that’s HUMANITY! ???‍♀️ If we wouldn’t have any social media issues I don’t think people would love you less if you dont have the thigh gap! Or Would my friends accept me any better if I have abs or not? ??❤️ Cause that’s all about the outside look. No one should ever choose to be friends with you just based on your looks.? . Working out should be fun and should give you the strength for the life time long. You are working for yourself, TO BE STRONGER! ??So never compare yourself to others and keep fighting towards your dreams. ??? You can achieve the flat tummy to get good pictures, but it shouldn’t be your number one mission in life. Let’s not forget that we are actually growing and getting older day by day. So never take your family for granted and friends to always be there available for you. Spend more quality time with them and for once forget about the social world. Have a good Thursday! ❤️?? #loveyourcurves

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