Katrin Lust
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Üle mõistuse armas! Marilyn Jurmani pisike tütar üllatas emmet

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Marilyn Jurman
Marilyn Jurman Foto: Instagram

Näitlejanna Marilyn Jurman jagab oma Instargamikontol sageli joogavideosid- ja pilte. Tihti on mõnda klõpsu kaasatud ka tema pisike tütar Rumi. Viimatises postituses röövib armas põnn kogu tähelepanu ja paneb kõva häälega õhkama: nii armas!


On the sixth day of #MayBeTimeForSaucha it is a #uddiyanabandha breathing exercise. As this is usually not part of my practice, I took the instructions from @soul.flow.mama profile. Usually I practice bandhas while The Rocket or First Series, but I am excited to add this exercise from now on on to my practice. ? We will be posting instructions from 7- 13 May, but you can join anytime with this springtime purification. We invite you to also add some green smoothies and why not - a total cleaning of your house - to really let go off the thoughtful winter and welcome the playful spring ?‍♀️ ✨ ?‍♂️ ✨ Don’t forget to use the hashtag #MayBeTimeForSaucha and to tag and follow all the hosts and sponsors: @marilynjurman @soul.flow.mama @biancayoga @dailyogaflow Our generous sponsors: @samanacrafts @nesty.yoga @bohemian_island @theboldandcolorful (my pants) @manoluma @bioveganfamily @vibratehigherofficial ✨ Make sure that your profile is public, so we could see you and we invite you to check out other participants too and leave uplifting comments. If you just found us, you can still join! ✨ ✨ #igyogachallenge #yogainspiration #asana #momsofig #igyoga #namaste #yogaforeverybody #yogachallenges #yogamom #igotshrined #mybeautifulyogabody #yogachallenge #yoga #bohemianisland #yogamotivation #ashtangayoga #mommyandme #photography #visitspain #yogaphotography @thegypsyshrine #igotshrined

A post shared by Marilyn Jurman (@marilynjurman) on

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