Katrin Lust
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Vaata neid lihaseid! Seksikas eratreener näitab võimast vormi

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Jen Widerstrom
Jen Widerstrom Foto: Instagram

Ameeriklannast eratreener Jen Widerstrom näitab enda Instagrami lehel oma võimsaid lihaseid, mis iga aktiivse inimesed kadedaks teeb.

Jen Widerstrom sai suure avaliku tähelepanu osaliseks pärast seda, kui ta osales Conan O'Brieni jutusaate vaheklipis koos saatejuhi enda ja koomik Kevin Hartiga trenni tegemas. Juba seal sai näha seksika ja aktiivse naise võimast füüsilist vormi, mis on aastate pikkuse töö tulemuse.

Jen aga ei ole lasknud kuulsusel endal pähe lüüa, vaid on kasutanud erinevaid sotsiaalmeedia platvorme sportlike ja tervislike eluviiside edendamiseks.


17 days of #keto complete. MY GREATEST TAKEAWAY: If you read nothing else below please read this: I have the power to do something about the way I feel and I also get to decide how to move through what happens to me. I do not have to be a victim but I do but I do get to choose how I cope with my stress. It’s up to me on whether I check out or not— and through this experience I’ve chosen to participate everyday of my life going forward. YOU HAVE THE SAME POWER. ?? The actual diet feedback: PROS -Fast response. Keep in mind the first week is really just water weight but if you stay in it the body continues to drop weight pretty rapidly. (make sure you’re eating enough though because you don’t want to lose muscle!!) -No cravings. I had no energy drop and nice energy flow throughout the day. -CLEAR food/fuel boundaries. There is no guesswork and no negotiation that happens—you know exactly what you’re allowed to eat and what you’re not and it takes away any emotional eating or conversations in your head. . CONS -As you all know, I strongly believe one size does not fit all… Making keto NOT for everyone. It’s not for me for sure- even though my body does respond well to high fat and protein fuel, given my mental and physical demands. My body NEEDS starch so I choose not to live in ketogenesis. -It takes VERY high discipline to do right and adapt correctly. -The precision of this diet is critical. Inspired by a conversation with my colleague @dunamisarp, “you risk not actually being in ketosis and instead just adopting a restrictive carb diet with too high of protein leading into gluconeogenesis. It takes a while to be fully adaptive into ketosis even though the scale and clothes will change earlier. There is always a cost to everything.” -Chris Knott #mondaymotivation

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I begin Day 5 of 17. As promised, here’s a progress pic of my first few days of trying #keto. It’s pleasing to see such a difference in the outward distention of my belly and that line coming down the side on my stomach on my profile shot, BUT I am aware a lot of this is just water weight so I’m going to stay dialed in and be patient for real results. ❌ Main changes I made: •I removed all sugar and additives out of my coffee, only drinking it black or with a little unsweetened almond milk. •I removed all protein bars replacing them with fat/protein-based snacks like avocados and nuts/seeds. •All starch carbohydrates have been removed with ZERO exception and have been replaced with green vegetables ==> On that note, I will say it’s been a struggle to do a workout and then not have a carbohydrate post (something I very strongly believe in). . ❤️ What I’ve noticed: •With the exception of my first day, I haven't had any cravings but I am however operating with a mild headache the second half of the day, everyday. •I find the amount of water I normally drink is not enough anymore so will make that adjustment this week. ••Mentally I’m amazing!! The discipline it takes to stick to this has actually been quite refreshing- it’s been nice to have set boundaries that eliminates that negotiation with myself about meals… So now the normal temptation I’d have to grab random food here & there has been removed and it feels great to have a focus!

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Vaata videoklippi Conani saatest, kus Jen koos Kevin Hartiga kaasa lõi.

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