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Supermodell Chrissy Teigen mälestab pereliiget

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Chrissy Teigen
Chrissy Teigen Foto: RE/Westcom/Starmax/PA Images

Chrissy Teigeni pere on tabanud kurb kaotus, sest nende neljajalgne pereliige Puddy on läinud manalateed. 

Modell jagas kurba uudist sotsiaalmeedias, postitades südamlike sõnumite saatel pilte oma neljakäpalisest sõbrast Puddy'st. «Ma teadsin alati, et kaotan osakese endast, kui Puddy meie seas lahkub. Nüüd ma tunnen seda tühja kohta enda sees. Ma armastan sind igavesti. Mu süda valutab. Aitäh sulle kõige eest,» kirjutab Chrissy südantlõhestava järelhüüde oma koerakesele. 

Tundub, et see ütlus on tõsi - koerad tõesti on inimese parimad sõbrad.


Today our baby, Puddy, has gone on to the pup heavens. John and I got Puddy in our first year of dating, when I convinced him half-birthday presents were a real thing. 10 years ago, on May 30th, I found the dog that would be there for us through every up, down, new house, new city, new tour, new travel. He welcomed new pups and loved on new babies and new bellies. He was there for everything. Every time I needed a taste tester, someone to kiss or needed to sob into his stinky rolls, he was there. It’s true what they say. We are their entire lives and it is the greatest shame that they can only bless us with a short spark of time in ours. I always knew I would lose a piece of me when he left us. I feel the hole now. I will love you forever, my boy. My heart aches. Thank you so much for everything, everything.

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I love you. I will miss you every day.

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babies. 2008.

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