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Barbra Streisandi ülekaaluline kasupoeg võib enda jalgadest ilma jääda

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
James Brolin
James Brolin Foto: TMZ/Coleman-Rayner

Legendaarse USA laulja Barbra Streisandi kasupoeg James Brolin, kes on tugevalt ülekaalus, võib enda suurenevate kehakilode pärast jalgadest ilma jääda.

«Need on veenide laienemisest tekkinud haavandis,» sõnas Dr. Charlie Seltzer nähtud piltide põhjal. «Iga järgnev haav, mille ta saab, paraneb väga raskeski ja võib ühel hetkel viia amputeerimiseni.»

Jamesi jalad on väga kehvas seisus.
Jamesi jalad on väga kehvas seisus. Foto: TMZ/Coleman-Rayner

«See on nagu tiksuv pomm. Kõige vähemal määral vajab ta vähemalt perekonna sekkumist. Ma ei imestaks, kui ta homne päev südamerabanduse saaks,» lisas arst.

James Brolin ei suhtle enda perekonnaga ja on viimastel andmetel ka kodutu. Ta on möödunud aastatel korduvalt jäänud kaamerasilma ette prügikastist toidu otsimisega või kodututele mõeldud asutustest tasuta toidu saamisega.

James ei suhtle enda kasuema Barbraga, kes elab Malibus asuvas häärberis, ja kelle väärtuseks hinnatakse umbes 550 miljonit dollarit.

This image released by NBC shows presenter Barbra Streisand at the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018. (Paul Drinkwater/NBC via AP)
This image released by NBC shows presenter Barbra Streisand at the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018. (Paul Drinkwater/NBC via AP) Foto: Paul Drinkwater/AP

Samal ajal kui James võitleb ülekilodega ja otsib toitu kust saab, on tema vend Josh Brolin eluvormis. Ta kasvatas tohutul määral lihasmassi kui valmistus mängima superkurjamit Cable'it filmis «Deadpool 2».


Off Day Workout: Warm up 10 mins on treadmill 15 incline at 3mph. ••• 45 mins boxing ••• 1.25 hrs lifting (warm up essential then heavy for 8 to 12 then two drop sets much lighter and slow). 4 sets of those. ••• 30 cardio (either elliptical back and forth from 15 to 21 in minute and 2 minute intervals). ••• Abs: 3x10 hanging leg raises all the way to the top and squeeze; 5xone minute planks mixed with 3x 20 (10 each side) slow bicycles with a one second squeeze at the top of each one). ••• Stretch. ••• Diet: 3 hard meals of chicken or salmon (for vegans can sub with mushrooms or quinoa) and a cup of veggies and 48 almonds a day (120g to 220g of either yams or black rice after workout or at night) and three protein shakes of @gardenoflife raw with greens. One cheat meal or even day (depending on your goal or sustainability) a week. ••• Supplements: @gardenoflife probiotic; and various @hbmaxmuscle natural supplements for fat burning and recovery: BCAAs and Glutamine (I'll write them down when I get home). ••• As for the steroid curiositors: I have nothing against people who use them. My goal is to stay clean. It's way harder, and knowing it's one shot away is always tempting but for what? It's more fun for me knowing I'm doing it this way. For those that think it's impossible: fuck off. For those that realize that your body type and work put in will dictate your best results: that's all that matters. We all look differently, thank God. One person might have to put twice the work as someone else. Suck it up, it's worth it. But remember to have fun. If you drink, don't forget to get drunk and get a cab home. If you love sweets, have a donut then get back on board without looking back. The problem is when we go off the rails, we tend to give up. Don't listen to that voice. Forge ahead. As much of an asshole as Deadpool is, he inspires us to want to kick his ass as we laugh at his jokes. Be like Cable: train to thump on Deadpool. @iambuilt @justindlovato @stephjlovato @goldsgym #cableswole #doit @prevailactivewear #givemeafuckingdonut

A post shared by Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) on


Alright. A workout tip? From me? It actually makes me laugh. Worked out at Gold's this morning with Kathryn. Leg day. I hate leg day but always feel good afterward. 30 mins of cardio after that. 15 mins of abs. I always warm up. For full workouts go to @iambuilt. Justin and Steph Lovato have really put together some good, thoughtful, inspired workouts. What I like the most about them are they don't go too heavy (very injury conscious), they are really strong on form (very injury conscious) and they are all about shocking the muscle by mixing up workouts (best results). Here's the deal: the clean eating thing is so much of it. It's okay to cheat, but prolonged cheating will make you feel like shit. The point is to feel good and I think most of us have a problem feeling good for too long. Have a cheat day that you set -- better, a cheat meal, but if you want to take a day, fuck it. A routine right now is I like to workout in the morning. I eat 5-6 meals a day of protein and fat (fat in eggs and almonds), carbs at night. I know a lot of vegans and I don't eat too much meat except fish. I love my fish. Quinoa is great for protein. Mushrooms are great for protein. Forbidden rice is great for carbs and nutrients (black rice). I tried intermittent fasting but for what I'm doing now, I can't hold the size; I need to eat. The minute I put starches in I start to explode. I did that during "Legacy" and I got up to 240 in no time. My workouts are typically two hours long: an hour fifteen of lifting, 30 cardio, 15 abs/stretching. The key is to start light at first. If you've been away from it for a while, the pain is unattractive. Don't go too heavy. It'll set you back, and you won't want to go. Do enough to feel sore and touch that feeling that you're dying a little bit. Mix one day in of 30 mins of anaerobic work. That feeling will start to transform into strength and you'll actually come to enjoy it. Progress. When I stop all this, I just don't feel as good: my knees are better because of it, my back problems are gone, I sleep better and I have better energy. I train 6 days, rest one. Look up @iambuilt. ? #itsarevolution @prevailactivewear @kathrynbrolin @iambuilt

A post shared by Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) on

Perekonnale lähedal seisev allikas sõnas: «See on väga üllatav, milline elu võib olla. Samal ajal kui üks vendades on ülekaaluline ja elab Jumal teab kus, on teisest saanud megastaar.»

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