Katrin Lust
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Naine annab traditsioonilistele iluideaalidele omapärase vastulöögi

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Sonja Foto: Kuvatõmmis Instagramist

Naised peavad päevast päeva ja nädalast nädalasse tegelema tüütute iluprotseduuridega, mis võtavad enda alla tohutult palju aega. Aga Poolast pärit Sonia on otsustanud traditsioonilistele iluideaalidele omapärase vastulöögi anda.

28-aastane Sonja elab Gdynia linnas, Poolas, töötab sekretärina ja pole juba üle aasta ennast raseerinud. Naine sõnas ühe intervjuus, et pidi meedia poolt rõhutud iluideaalide tõttu end juba 12-aastaselt raseerima hakkama, kirjutab Daily Mail


Some time ago I gave myself a word that I won't remove my bodyhair unless I will know that shaving them is entirely my decision. I wanted to stop ads brainwashing my mind & give up thinking "I should shave because everyone is doing this". This is my task list which I made to achieve my goal: -get to know how my body hair will look without any interference, - reach the acceptance to all my body hair while looking in the mirror, - stop being ashamed in front of the others, even if they whisper and stare at me, - be free from need to explain "oh it's just project, I know it looks terrible/unsexy/masculine/etc. It's temporary you know", - be free from belief that I have to fulfill someone's expectation about my appearance, - and finally be free from fear that others will reject me if they will know how I REALLY look like. I knew I will need some time to do my job. It's been more than a year now! ⏳ How about your hairy journey Dear Woman? How do you feel about being unshaved? What do you think about other hairy women? Maybe you want add some items to the list? ? *second pic is without any filter #goals #bodyhair #bodyhairdontcare #acceptance #challenge #bodyhairmovement #natural #realme #hairywoman #naturalwoman #stopshaving #bodyacceptance #societystandards #beauty #beautystandards #questioning #finding #thetruth #realwoman #nofilter #poland #wgdyni #niegolesie #natura #kobieta #wyzwanie #cel #akceptacja #cialo #naturalne

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I ask you today: "if you can change something about your body, would you?" To be honest I answered "YES"... I still have a problem with accepting my hairy legs. They are so hairy that sometimes I feel like a guy ? But wait a minute! I am 100% woman and it's not my fault that Mother Nature made me like this. Why I am ashamed of myself?! My hormones are perfectly fine, so is there any reason that I should feel less feminine?! I am still on my way to unconditional love for myself. It's a long long jurney ? I know I have to be patient, but sometimes it is so hard to remember that I am normal ? I know that there are more girls and women suffering like me. You are not alone ? You can ALWAYS send private message to me. ? Hugs!! #leghair #legshair #leghairdontcare #bodyhair #bodyhairmovement #bath #hairy #hairylegs #hairybody #hairywoman #hairygirl #noshave #noshame #bodyacceptance #bodypositive #bodypositivity #niegolesie #akceptacja #ciało #cialopozytywne #owlosodprawdy #mojenogi #mojecialo #mojadecyzja

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