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Johann Urbi joogaõpetajast kallim paljastab vapustavad kehavõlud

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Rachel Emma
Rachel Emma Foto: Instagram

Eesti päritolu Ameerika näitleja ja modell Johann Urb naudib armurõõme meditatsiooni- ja joogaõpetaja Rachel Emmaga, kelle sotsiaalmeediakanalit Instagram kaunistavad pildid naise erakordsest ilust. 

Wild Woman kommuuni eestvedaja Rachel Emma on missiooniks võtnud naiste ja meeste koolitamise läbi füüsilise eneseväljenduse. Et saavutada sügavaimaid eesmärke ja elada unistuste elu, peab Rachel oluliseks ümberkujundada arusaam füüsilisest kehast - andes sellele piiramatu energia ja usalduse.

40-aastasest Johannist ligi 10 aastat noorem Rachel teeb silmad ette kõigile, kes võitlevad igapäevaselt enda kompleksidega keha osas. Nagu me teame, on keha kui tempel ja sellesse peaks suhtuma vaid sügava armastusega. Rachel Emma pildid räägivad iseenda eest...


I have and always will be a seekerI seek to know, to feel, to express, to understand, to love and to receive myself so I can receive others I have a deep desire to travel to and through the depths of my being and sometimes I wonder why I have to go so deep, so dark? . . Why do I do this to myself? Because at times it's really fucking hard. I feel like I'm literally drowning in my own emotions. I don't know which way is up or down and in those moments I think maybe this isn't worth it, I feel so out of control▪️Yet the truth is, every single time I come out the other side it's worth it It's worth it because I can feel my power, my resilience, my awareness and consciousness expanding and it allows me to honor myself and my capacity to love in an even bigger way. Wow Rachel, you made it. You made it out the other side and Instead of being ripped apart like I thought... it's ripped off a layer that I no longer needed. I stand there open, raw and connected to all of this in a completely new way ⚡️and I am grateful. . . Wherever you are, keep going. You are not alone and I honor you exactly as you are. And that's simply because I am honoring myself exactly as I am. Thank you, I love you ✨ #wildwoman #staywild #burningman #expression #love #transcend #disciplineofworship #pleasure #beauty #selflove

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