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Briti tõsielutäht reklaamis enda kalendrit seksika büstiga

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Vicky Pattison
Vicky Pattison Foto: Ian West/PA Wire/PA Images

Briti tõsielutäht Vicky Pattison on viimastel aastatel nii mitmelgi korral enda oma seksika kalendriga välja tulnud. Ja ega see sel aastalgi tulemata jäänud.

2018. aasta kalendri reklaamiks postitas naine enda sotsiaalmeediasse seksika pildi, kust on peaaegu täielikult näha tema rindasid.

Vicky Pattison enda uues kalendris.
Vicky Pattison enda uues kalendris. Foto: James Rudland

Vicky Pattison on kõige enam tuntud MTV sarjast «Geordie Shore» ja kui saate «I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!» viieteistkümnenda hooaja võitja. 

Pattison hakkab juhtima ka saadet «Beach Body SOS», milleks ettevalmistustega ta juba tegeleb.


Annnnnddddd WERK!!!!! January to me is the perfect time to evaluate, reassess and take stock of the past year! Pin point what worked for you, decide what didn’t, make plans on how you can improve in this exciting new chapter... Don’t beat yourself up, just learn from it! Being poorly has meant I haven’t been able to get back in the gym in 2018 yet but I’m doing a lot of reflection and positive projection in its absence- tonight I’m writing down my goals for 2018 and I couldn’t be more excited!! I intend to smash it, work hard, have courage, be kind and always try not to be a knob!! ! Why don’t you give writing down your goals for the year a go, FUN FACT: people who write down their aspirations are 80% more likely to achieve them than those who don’t! (I don’t know if you found that fun... maybe just me ) I’m getting back in the swing of things with my Nutrition by sticking to all my @minivnutrition products! We’ve got upto 80% off at the website right now so why don’t you head over to www.minivnutrition.com and check us out! Love you all and good luck in 2018

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