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Skandaal: L´Oréal vallandas oma kuulsa transsoolise modelli

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
PIC BY LEFTERIS PRIMOS/CATERS - (PICTURED:MUNROE BERGDORF) - Meet Munroe Bergdorf, the super sexy brunette who was actually born a BOY. With her flowing locks and flawless complexion, its hard to believe that this 27-year-old from East London was once a boy named Ian. But transgender Munroe has made a name for herself on Londons party scene and now spins the decks in some of the countrys most high end clubs. The beautiful DJ has even worked with and modelled for a variety of fashion and beauty brands including Illamasqua and BOY LONDON - made famous by none other than global megastar Rihanna. SEE CATERS COPY.
PIC BY LEFTERIS PRIMOS/CATERS - (PICTURED:MUNROE BERGDORF) - Meet Munroe Bergdorf, the super sexy brunette who was actually born a BOY. With her flowing locks and flawless complexion, its hard to believe that this 27-year-old from East London was once a boy named Ian. But transgender Munroe has made a name for herself on Londons party scene and now spins the decks in some of the countrys most high end clubs. The beautiful DJ has even worked with and modelled for a variety of fashion and beauty brands including Illamasqua and BOY LONDON - made famous by none other than global megastar Rihanna. SEE CATERS COPY. Foto: /Caters News Agency

Selle nädala alguses sai ilugigant L´Oréal palju tähelepanu kuna firma palkas esimese transsoolise modelli, 29-aastase Munroe Bergdorfi, oma reklaaminäoks. Vaid loetud päevad hiljem on aga modelli ja L´Oréali teed lahku läinud, kuna Bergdorf avaldas Facebookis pika postituse nimetades KÕIKI valgeid rassistideks.

Postitus on küll tänaseks eemaldatud, kuid enne seda jõudsid juba tuhanded inimesed seda jagada. Munroe kirjutas: «Ausalt, ma ei jaksa enam valgete rassistlikust vägivallast rääkida. Jah, KÕIGI valgete inimeste omast. Enamik teist keelduvad tunnistamast, et teie eksistents, priviligeeritus ja edu valge rassina põhineb mustanahaliste verel ja surmal.»

Ei võtnud kaua aega kui L´Oréal võttis tauniva seisukoha nende väljaütlemiste suhtes. Firma Twitteris seisab avaldus: «L´Oréal seisab mitmekesisuse eest. Munroe Bergdorfi kommentaarid on vastuolus meie väärtustega ja seega oleme otsustanud meie koostöö lõpetada.»

Munroe Bergdorf lapsena
Munroe Bergdorf lapsena Foto: /Caters News Agency
Munroe Bergdorf
Munroe Bergdorf Foto: /Caters News Agency
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