Linkin Parki laulja Chester Bennington leiti neljapäeval surnuna. Uudis šokeeris kogu muusikamaailma.
Linkin Parki laulja Chester Bennington leiti neljapäeval surnuna. Uudis šokeeris kogu muusikamaailma.
Loe, kuidas reageerisid kuulsused kurvale uudisele sotsiaalmeedias!
Just when I thought my heart couldn't break any more.....I love you T
— Vicky Cornell (@vickycornell) July 20, 2017
Oh dear God. Massive R.I.P to Chester Bennington of @linkinpark this BREAKS OUR HEART. Suicide is the devil on earth walking amongst us
— OneRepublic (@OneRepublic) July 20, 2017
Chester was one of the kindest men I've had on my show. My heart breaks for his family and friends. He will be missed terribly.
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) July 20, 2017
Saddened to learn about the passing of the talented Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. My heart breaks for his family and children.
— Ashley Greene (@AshleyMGreene) July 20, 2017
Thoughts & prayers to the family, friends & band of Chester Bennington...such a sweet soul and incredible talent, heartbroken again
— Mark McGrath (@mark_mcgrath) July 20, 2017
Crazy sad news about Chester Bennington.. #linkinpark #RIP
— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) July 20, 2017
If you or someone you know is struggling to cope, @800273TALK
RIP Chester Bennington.
— Mark Ballas (@MarkBallas) July 20, 2017
Another great gone too soon.
If you're hurting, struggling or just need some 1 to talk to.
Reach out.
Mental health is no joke. We have to destigmatize the conversation around it.
— yung menace (@petewentz) July 20, 2017
RIP CHESTER BENNINGTON. We can never know someone's pain. Prayers to his family in this tragedy. If you need help REACH OUT. @RollingStone pic.twitter.com/DmtWrHNgeY
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) July 20, 2017
The news about Chester Bennington is devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and @linkinpark. Such a tragic loss
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) July 20, 2017
no words. so heartbroken. RIP Chester Bennington.
— Imagine Dragons (@Imaginedragons) July 20, 2017
Shocked and heartbroken, but it's true. An official statement will come out as soon as we have one.
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) July 20, 2017
song of the day: NUMB - LINKIN PARK pic.twitter.com/7itrfa0Sz6
— Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas) July 20, 2017
RIP Chester. Heart goes out to the entire Linkin Park family. Having a moment of silence.
— The Glitch Mob (@theglitchmob) July 20, 2017
I am in tears.Chester just told me how happy he was…..He was such a sweet and talented man……Ifeel so sad for his family,band mates and fans
— Nikki Sixx (@NikkiSixx) July 20, 2017
Our thoughts and prayers are with @linkinpark and Chester's friends and family. #RIPChester pic.twitter.com/45B0vMQZtP
— Timbaland (@Timbaland) July 20, 2017
RIP Chester Bennington. This feels like a kick in the chest. My December has pulled me through many times. Depression is a real monster.
— Gabby Sidibe (@GabbySidibe) July 20, 2017
artists are ppl compelled to bring beauty into a world that can be so dark. makes sense then that artists are always conscious of darkness..
— hayley from Paramore (@yelyahwilliams) July 20, 2017
#RIPChesterBennington I remember the 1st day I went in the basement Warner Bros. Records #Burbank to hear you 1at... https://t.co/gDkXtq5Vge
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) July 20, 2017
So sorry to hear the news about Chester Bennington. Sending so much luv, strength & light to his family, kids & @linkinpark ohana.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) July 20, 2017
R.I.P Chester Bennington
— Ryan Adams (@TheRyanAdams) July 20, 2017
My thoughts are with his family & friends today
He & @linkinpark are the kindest folks you could ever hoped to meet pic.twitter.com/abS1e4t3Oi
Just heard the sad news of the passing of Chester Bennington . Our sincere condolences to his family, his band and everyone who loved him.
— Garbage (@garbage) July 20, 2017
Honestly, Chester's an old friend who we've hung with many times, and I have friends who are extremely close to... https://t.co/ouYoGIiZiD
— Brian Welch (@brianheadwelch) July 20, 2017
"When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind." - Chester Bennington. Rest easy sir. pic.twitter.com/RLhmf0UR0B
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) July 20, 2017
can't even fathom the news about Chester Bennington. going to have LP on repeat all day. Rest In Peace.
— michael (@Michael5SOS) July 20, 2017