Katrin Lust
(+372) 56681734
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Eesti metsade võlujõud: Kerli on vaimselt ja füüsiliselt tervem kui eales varem!

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Kerli Foto: Instagram

Lauljatar Kerli Kõiv annab fännidele teada, et ta tunneb end paremini kui eales varem.

«Praegusel ajal on siin metsades nii kaunis! Olen toitunud väga tervislikult ja iga päev trenni teinud, mediteerinud ja tonnide viisi kunsti teinud,» kirjutab Kerli Instagramis.

«Ma pole ammu nii terve olnud, nii vaimselt kui füüsiliselt, ja olen täiesti keskendunud sellele, kuidas oma elu kõigi erinevate aspektide kogemist jätkata,» seletab Kerli, et ta on väga õnnelik.

Kerli lisas ka pildi oma Kuutemplist, mis on peaaegu valmis saanud. 

«Täna kolisin mõned tööasjad siia, et näha, kuidas tunne on. Senimaani on suurepärane!» räägib Kerli, kes valmistub esinema Kuressaare merepäevadel.

Moon Babies♥ I'm just popping in to say hello and send you love. It's so beautiful here in the woods right now. I've been eating so healthy, working out every day, meditating and making tons of art. It's the healthiest I've been in a long time, both mentally and physically and I feel laser focused when it comes to how I wanna continue experiencing all the different aspects of my life. Nothing but love will do. Nothing but healthy will do. Nothing but fucking epic will do. I've been on fire and so happy. ✨ I wanted to send you this postcard from the Moon Temple, which is now almost ready. Just today I moved some of my work stuff in here to see how it feels. So far, so great. I've been alternating studio days with show prep days and today I'm building some epicness for my performance at Kuressaare Merepäevad 2017 <3 My whole team over here is hard at work to make it extra magical and I couldn't be more excited to show off what we've been creating. Hope to see all the Estonian Moon Children there! For everyone else, my next performance will be in LA in October and after that, I really wanna launch a whole crazy show with the album and take it on the road. So, stay tuned. But enough about me. How are you guys doing? What is new? Wishing you lots of love and magic ✨ Integrity/Love/Unity -Moonchild K

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