Katrin Lust
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Legendaarse telesarja «Buffy» ekraanile jõudmisest möödub 20 aastat

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Sarah Michelle Gellar legendaarse Buffy sarja kokkutulekul 2008. aastal
Sarah Michelle Gellar legendaarse Buffy sarja kokkutulekul 2008. aastal Foto: Dan Steinberg/AP

Nii see on! Legendaarne sari «Vampiiritapja Buffy» saab 20-aastaseks.

Sarja peaosatäitja Sarah Michelle Gellar tegi sel puhul sotsiaalmeediasse sarja algusaastatesse tagasivaatava emotsionaalse postituse.

Gellar vaatab postituses tagasi sarja algusaegadele ning meenutab selle ekraanile toomisega seotuid raskusi. «Alustasime vähetuntud kanalil ning meil ei olnud aimugi, milline mõju sellel sarjal saab tulevikule olema,» kirjutab näitlejanna meenutuses. Ta jätkab öeldes, et näitleja soovib alati, et tema mängitud roll jääks inimestele alatiseks meelde, ning et sellel oleks pikaajaline mõju. Buffy roll tõi naise sõnul tema ellu aga rohkem kui ta oleks iial osanud ette kujutada. 


Ok @tommylenk It feels like I had to wait 20 years for this....but damn it was worth the wait #buffyslays20 #lenklewkforless

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) am

Veel toonitab kunagine vampiiritapja Buffy rolli olulisust feministlikust seisukohast ning tänab üksikisikuliselt neid inimesi, kes talle sarja filmimise ajal kõige lähedasemad olid.

20 years ago today, I had the greatest privilege to bring Buffy to your tv screens for the first time. It was a long and challenging road to get there. First the movie, then a passed over pilot presentation, and eventually a mid season time slot on a little known network. That first season, we liked to think of ourselves as the little show that could. While we knew the potential, I don’t think any of us saw the lasting impact our show would have. As an actor, you wish for that one role where you can leave your mark and forever be remembered, with Buffy I got so much more. She’s a feminist challenge to gender hierarchy. Buffy may have been the Chosen One, but I was the lucky one. Thank you to Gail Berman for always believing there was a show in that movie. Thank you to Joss Whedon, for trusting me to give life to one of the greatest female characters ever created. Thank you to David, for always being my Angel. Thank you to James for understanding that while Buffy and Spike may have been love/hate, I have nothing but love for you. Alyson, as any woman knows, you are nothing without the love and support of great female friends, so thank you for being that. Michelle, you will always hold a key to my heart. Thank you to all the incredible actors for seven seasons of amazing performances. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the incredible crew that worked tirelessly (and also really tired) to bring this show to life. And lastly, but most importantly thank you to all of you, the fans. We made this show for you, and your unwavering support has kept this show going long past our seven years. You are everything. And always remember..."if the apocalypse comes, beep me" #buffyslays20

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) am

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