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Khloe Kardashian: 2017 - ma hävitan su

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian Foto: SCANPIX

Khloe Kardashian tunnistas, et oli aeg, mil ta oli pere paksuke ning ei oleks kunagi osanud end näha pidevalt trenni tegemas ja seda nautimas!

Enda isiklikest kogemustest inspireerituna tuleb Khloel nüüd välja sari nimega «Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian», mille raames aitab ta 16 osalejal, kellel on kaalulangetamisega raskusi, oma eesmärkideni jõuda. Selleks on ta punti võtnud Hollywoodi tuntuimaid treenerid, arstid ning stilistid. 


If you were to ask me five years ago if I ever saw myself being completely in love with fitness and health. That I would be an inspiration to many others, that I would be the push that others needed to find their way. I would've laughed in your face. Me? The chubby one? No way! But now I can't see myself ever stopping! I am completely honored and taking my role seriously in helping motivate and teach people what I had to learn to better myself from the inside out. Becoming stronger mentally so I can't let the little things break me down. I see myself only getting better and better! I can't believe how far I have come! I almost can't believe that was me! If you've lost your motivation don't beat yourself up about it, negative thoughts only turn into negative realities. By keeping positive about your body, your inner health, your mental sanity, your fitness and what you're trying to achieve, you're way more likely to succeed. My fitness journey was for myself and myself alone. On my terms and on my timeline! Cheers to us becoming better than we were yesterday! #RevengeBody

Ein von Khloé (@khloekardashian) gepostetes Foto am

Samuti ei jäta treenimist Khloe ise, kes on juba oma jälgijatega jaganud videot, milles saab aimu, milline Khloe 2017. aasta treeningteekond välja hakkab nägema!


2017 I will destroy you!

Ein von Khloé (@khloekardashian) gepostetes Video am

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