Katrin Lust
(+372) 56681734

Christina Grimmie mõrvar püüti vahetult enne jõhkrat tegu fotole!

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
A photo of Christina Grimmie, 22, is displayed as participants hold a vigil to honor the singer killed Friday night in Orlando, Fla., on Monday, June 13, 2016, in Evesham Township, N.J. Hundreds of people have gathered at the candlelight vigil in the New Jersey hometown of the singer who was gunned down after a Florida concert. Grimmie was killed Friday night as she signed autographs after a show in Orlando. (Tom Gralish/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)  PHIX OUT; TV OUT; MAGS OUT; NEWARK OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
A photo of Christina Grimmie, 22, is displayed as participants hold a vigil to honor the singer killed Friday night in Orlando, Fla., on Monday, June 13, 2016, in Evesham Township, N.J. Hundreds of people have gathered at the candlelight vigil in the New Jersey hometown of the singer who was gunned down after a Florida concert. Grimmie was killed Friday night as she signed autographs after a show in Orlando. (Tom Gralish/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP) PHIX OUT; TV OUT; MAGS OUT; NEWARK OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT Foto: Tom Gralish/AP

Kevin Loibl (27) tappis Christina Grimmie (22) vahetult peale noore talendisaatest osavõtja kontserti Orlandos, Floridas.

Fotod saatuslikust õhtust, millel on Grimmie mõrvarit teismelistest kontserdikülastajate hulgas näha, avaldas Orlando politse.

Nüüd on selge, et Loibl seisis publiku hulgas, kaks käsirelva selja peal püksivärvli vahel. Lisaks kandis mees jala küljes jahinuga.

Peale kontserti jagas lauljanna Plaza Live teatri ees autogramme, kus Loibl nagu kõik teised järjekorras ootas. Christina tervitas meest avasüli enne kui too tule avas.

Peale lauljanna tulistamist, võttis mees ka endalt tulirelva läbi elu.

Õõvastavaid pilte vaata siit.

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