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Uskumatu! Pamela Anderson: mõned kallimad eelistasid minule pornot vaadata

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
MAVRIXONLINE.COM - DAILY MAIL ONLINE OUT - FILE PHOTO - Blonde bombshell Pamela Anderson will again grace the cover of Playboy, her 14th cover shoot for the adult magazine.  Anderson, who is very active with the animal rights organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), will reportedly donate her earnings from the shoot to the charity Waves 4 Water.  Anderson has said of the organization, 'It's an amazing group that supplies water filters to countries that are in need of clean drinking water. It has already made a huge difference in Indonesia, Pakistan, and Haiti. I'm so honored to work with Playboy again to support this life altering cause.' However, the considerate act has not been received well by all.  According to reports the Islamic Defenders Front has said the donation will be against the law of God as it was acquired through immoral acts. 11/06/10.
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ORIGINAL CAPTION: Pamela Anderson calendar shot 9/23/98.
MAVRIXONLINE.COM - DAILY MAIL ONLINE OUT - FILE PHOTO - Blonde bombshell Pamela Anderson will again grace the cover of Playboy, her 14th cover shoot for the adult magazine. Anderson, who is very active with the animal rights organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), will reportedly donate her earnings from the shoot to the charity Waves 4 Water. Anderson has said of the organization, 'It's an amazing group that supplies water filters to countries that are in need of clean drinking water. It has already made a huge difference in Indonesia, Pakistan, and Haiti. I'm so honored to work with Playboy again to support this life altering cause.' However, the considerate act has not been received well by all. According to reports the Islamic Defenders Front has said the donation will be against the law of God as it was acquired through immoral acts. 11/06/10. Fees must be agreed for image use. Byline, credit, TV usage, web usage or linkback must read MAVRIXONLINE.COM. Failure to byline correctly will incur double the agreed fee. Tel: 305 542 9275 or 954 698 6777. ORIGINAL CAPTION: Pamela Anderson calendar shot 9/23/98. Foto: MAVRIXONLINE.COM/MAVRIXONLINE.COM

Pamela Anderson väitis, et mõned tüübid, kellega ta on kohtamas käinud, eelistasid temaga armatsemise asemel hoopos veebist pornot vaadata. Tundub uskumatu, et mõni mees ei taha sellist naist nagu kuulus sekspomm Pammy!

Tuntud «Rannavalve» staar lööb kaasa kampaanias nimega «Sensual Revolution», et üritada inimesi rohkem harida veebiporno ohtude teemal, vahendab Female First.

Pamela sõnul kahjustab internetis saadaolev porno mehi igas vanuses ning ta on olnud suhetes, kus partner end vannituppa luku taha paneb, et saada veebist seksuaalset erutust, selle asemel, et temaga magada.


«Inimestel on pornosõltuvused. Sul on see naine, kes elab, hingab ja lamab sinu voodis ning sina oled vannitoas arvutiga - see on midagi, mis ei ole normaalne. Ning jah, mina olen seda kogenud ja paljud minu sõbrad on seda tunda saanud,» selgitas tuntud sekspomm, et intiimne suhe ja parem seks on see, mis on hea.

Pammy on olnud suhetes Tommy Lee, Kid Rocki ja Rick Salomoniga, kellega ta abiellus lausa kaks korda. Tema kallimad on olnud ka Marcus Schenkenberg, Bret Michaels, Vince Neil ja David Charvet.

Lisaks kurtis staar, et teine äärmus on see, kui naist koheldakse magamistoas nagu pornostaari.

«Ma ei tea, kas teid on kunagi koheldud nagu pornostaari, aga see ei ole sugugi lõbus, võin ma teile öelda. Sulle antakse lakse, lüüakse, pannakse hüüdnimesid, sülitatakse peale ja see on seksimine. Ma olen seda kogenud ja ma ei taha seda enam kunagi tunda,» kurtis naine.

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