Kuula, kuidas räpib Justin Bieber!

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Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber Foto: SCANPIX

Popstaar Justin Bieber ühendas jõud reggae-artisti Sean Kingstoniga ning näitas loos «Won't Stop» oma räppimisoskusi.

Bieber räpib: «Yeah they talk, yeah they talk/They don't walk the walk I walk/I won't stop 'til I drop, until then I reach the top/I'mma walk to where I need to be, walk the path of destiny/Definitely been neglected but God is always testing me/Rest in peace to all the men that died who were protecting me/People in this world just want to let it be/John Lennon made it different/Don't just let it be, set it free.»

Kuula allpool!

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