US actor and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger poses after giving a press conference to present the multisport event Arnold Classic Europe 2015 on September 25, 2015 in Madrid. AFP PHOTO / CURTO DE LA TORRE
US actor and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger poses after giving a press conference to present the multisport event Arnold Classic Europe 2015 on September 25, 2015 in Madrid. AFP PHOTO / CURTO DE LA TORRE Foto: CURTO DE LA TORRE/AFP

Eelmisel nädalal Pariisis aset leidnud terreorirünnaku ohvritele on kaastunnet avaldanud juba mitmed kuulsused. Igaüks on seda teinud erinevalt.

Arnold Schwarzenegger postitas oma Twitteri kontole ilusa enda joonistatud pildi, mille taga on süda.

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Foto: Twitter / Arnold Schwarzenegger