Elu24.ee lugejate küsimustele vastab «Eesti otsib superstaari» finalist Timothy Jarman.
Intervjuu avaldame inglise keeles.
Elu24.ee lugejate küsimustele vastab «Eesti otsib superstaari» finalist Timothy Jarman.
Intervjuu avaldame inglise keeles.
If You would win the «Superstar» competition, what would be the first thing You’d do?
That is a very good question......I don’t know . Maybe I go buy myself a nice Cognac and try to relax my nerves :) Oh I know, I will ring my Mother, because she will kill me if I don’t :)
How does it feel to be in finals? And whom would You see Yourself with, if there would be only three competitors left?
It feels great, but I have not had time to relax and enjoy myself because I am still working everyday :( But being in the finals is bringing me so much more opportunities.
I enjoy interviews, I was on the radio (first time in my life.....was such good fun) so it’s great. The last question I cannot answer because I really don’t know, I think it’s going to be really tight, and there are lots of good singers.
How long have you been singing and have you learned it somewhere or is it just your natural talent?
I first started singing (if I remember correctly) I was about 8 -9, but this was only in school shows. I hated singing and acting after that, was very boring. Then I started to sing again when I was 15-16 but only at karaoke’s for fun. I then went to college for 2 years to study Drama.
While studying my course we had a singing teacher once a week, she was brilliant and helped me very much. I started to have private lessons to help me progress. Sadly after college though I decided that trying to be a singer or actor was not secure enough in my life so I went into other things. Never did I dream this would be happening :)
Is everything on the show translated to you later (like the judges' comments etc)?
This is very funny because I don’t know what anyone is saying, and I just try to smile as much as I can :) Then after the cameras are off everyone helps translate for me :) they are great people :)
But this is a good thing because if the judges are saying horrible things to me, I don’t have a clue and I can keep smiling :)
Do You speaks any other languages than english?
Only english :( I know this is bad.....but I was lazy at school. I was more interested in football and computers :). I will be speaking Estonian very soon, I will try very hard.
Is «Sest ma olen ilus» the only sentence You can say in estonian?
Just so everyone knows I did not want to say this hahahaha everyone said it would be funny so I did it :) I do know more words, but I don’t know how to type them.
Have you tried singing in estonian yet? How well is that working out for you? Do you think it will be more as an advantage or a disadvantage considering your popularity amongst your fans?
I have not tried singing Estonian, but I will be. I am getting help with the words first then I will try.
Oooo Thats a difficult one, I think maybe its both. People understand that I don’t speak Estonian so if I was to sing an Estonian song, if I make some wrong words people will just laugh and understand. The main thing is that I try very hard.
What do your friends and family in UK think of your partake in «Eesti otsib superstaari»? Do they even know or is it your secret hobby?
They are very surprised and so am I :) All my family & friends know that I am in the show. They are very happy for me. My brother has told me if I win, he is coming to live in Estonia with me :)
Who is your favorite artist and do you know Damien Rice? What I ment was.. You should sing a song by Damien Rice (for ex. Cannonball) ;).
Yes this is a very Beautiful (ilus) song, my favourite artist right now is Michael Buble.
If you could pick one song to sing to the whole world, what song would it be?
R Kelly - If I could turn back the hands of time. 100% this song :)
Have You thought about R’n’B career?
To be honest no. But I have not thought about any music career just yet :) I am waiting to see what happens.
Who are the people that have influenced You the most and how?
I have my favourite artists and songs but there is no one that really influences me. It is very hard because I like such a big range of much (jazz, classical, r&b hip-hop, rap, rock etc).
So maybe it’s the style of the music itself that influences me I think.
How much have you listened to Estonian music, singers and bands? Who is your favourite Estonian artist?
My favourite has to be Maarja-Liis Ilus ( I hope I spelt it correctly). «Kaelakee Hääl» was the first Estonian song I ever heard and I love it very much. I don’t remember band names, I mostly listen on the radio when I am driving.
Timothy, you live in Viljandi which is well known for the folk music events and tuition, what is your relationship with world / folk music and can you play any kind of instrument? Like estonian torupill?
I was so angry because I missed the last festival because I booked my flight to England that time :(. Folk/ world music is very new to me, I have not really ever listened properly, but I will be watching the next festival for sure.
I love new culture and respect everything so I am looking forward to it. But I can play Piano and Cello.
Why and when did You first came to Estonia and how did you found Viljandi?
At first it was a holiday, I have a friend who lives in Viljandi who buys property. I decided to come along and have a look myself. On the first day I was so happy in Viljandi, there are so many beautiful places to see.
I then put a deposit down on an apartment and just decided that I was moving here :). My family and friends were so shocked, because I did not even give it time to think, I just did it. I have never regretted my choice, I love it here.
Are You planning to spend the rest of You life in Estonia?
Yes 100%. Estonia is now my home. I have setup a company here too. My future plans are in Estonia.
What is the best thing about Estonia?
There are not too many people. It is so nice to have my own space. There are just so many beautiful places to visit in Estonia. My favourite has to be Viljandi Castle, looking over the lake is just magical it really is.
Do You miss you family and friends in England?
Yes off course, but it is important that I make my own way in life. Never do I forget my friends or family but I must do what makes me happy :).
Have you had any unpleasant experiences with estonians? Sometimes people say, that Estonians are cold and they feel left out in our company?
Nope never have I had a bad experience yet. People have been so nice to me. Lots of people come up and talk to me, I like it, I am very easy to get on with. I made good friends very quickly.
How did you get used to the Estonian weather?
It’s better than English weather :) :). But the winter was very good in Estonia this year I was told. Maybe next year if it goes to -25 I will tell you :).
Do you want to become an Estonian citizen one day?
Yes I want this very much. I am a temporary resident in Estonia, I have an Estonian ID card. I think I must wait 4 years before I am accepted :)
I’m interested in being an exchange student, but I don’t know, if I can handle it - living somewhere else. Was it scary to come to a country where You didn’t know anyone?
At first yes because you must go out and meet new people, this is the hard part. When you make new friends then everything just gets better and better. I was more worried that no one would speak English.
I say go for it, it will be a wonderful experience, I am so happy that I moved to Estonia.
So… Where are the most beautiful girls, in England or in Estonia?
Hahaha, I was waiting for this question :). Estonia!
Do you have a girlfriend? :)
Yes I do :), she is Estonian. She is older than me, 26 (she is teaching me to cook).
Some of my friends think that english guys are bastards, what can you say about that?
Then she has not met me yet :). Hahaha....no were not. Off course some English men are, but that is the same about men in every country.
I am sure some women in Estonia (and every other country) are a lot worse then as good men :) :).
Do You have a nickname?
Not really, but I want one. Anything you can think off? Only nice once though please :).
How tall are You and what’s Your shoe number?
In England I am 6ft and my shoe size is 12.5 (~183 cm ja ~46 - toim.).
Do You have a big dream, which makes You smile every time You think about it?
Yes, my dream is to have a big company. A nice beautiful home, with Sauna and Spa :). I would like plenty of land so I have lots of space. A football pitch in my garden :).
I want a wonderful wife, with 1 boy and 1 girl. I also must have 1 dog (PUG) :) they are the best dogs in the world. I would call him/her Biffie.
Hey Timothy, is there a possibility to meet you or least contact you online? Because me and my friend, we just adore and worship You! We truly do ! You’r so adorable and You have such a beautiful voice! And Your stunning eyes and your wonderful smile .... :)
Wow I am all shy hahaha. I have Orkut/ Rate so you are welcome to add me and talk to me. I am very friendly and when I get the time I promise I will reply :).
Do You want to say anything to Your fans?
I am very shocked about everything that is happening. People have been so nice to me (you can understand why I love my life here, you are all wonderful people).
To everyone that voted for me and took the time to ask me questions, I want to say BIG THANK YOU! I hope to hear from you all again sometime soon :).
Timothy Michael Jarman