In this film publicity still released by DreamWorks Animation LLC, Ginormica, voiced by Reese Witherspoon, powers through the atmosphere in a scene from DreamWorks Animation's 3D film, "Monsters vs. Aliens." (AP Photo/ DreamWorks Animation LLC) ** NO SALES **   / SCANPIX Code: 436
In this film publicity still released by DreamWorks Animation LLC, Ginormica, voiced by Reese Witherspoon, powers through the atmosphere in a scene from DreamWorks Animation's 3D film, "Monsters vs. Aliens." (AP Photo/ DreamWorks Animation LLC) ** NO SALES ** / SCANPIX Code: 436 Foto: /AP

Möödunud nädalavahetuse vaadatuim film Eesti kinodes oli animaseiklus «Koletised tulnukate vastu», mida käis vaatamas 7705 inimest, kes jätsid kinokassadesse ühtekokku 540 135 krooni piletiraha.