Kuula: Vanilla Ninja uus singel

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Vanilla Ninja - Katrin Siska, Piret Järvis, Lenna Kuurmaa
Vanilla Ninja - Katrin Siska, Piret Järvis, Lenna Kuurmaa Foto: Helin Loik/ Naisteleht

Elu24.ee pakub oma lugejatele võimaluse kuulata Vanilla Ninja värsket lugu «Crashing Through The Doors».

Loo kuulamiseks vajuta siia.

Crashing Trought The Doors

We're crashing through the doors
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors
To get the cherry-tasting cream

Standing with my face to the wall
Feels I've done the same before
Static motions in my head
But I'm told that love's not dead
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors

On the road to perfect world
Only dreams can lead the way
In between the twists and turns
All the secret answers lay
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors

Those that fail to learn from history
Can see the fire and ice collide
The endless game of hide and seek
Won't help you cross the boarderlines
To get the cherry-tasting cream
We're crashing through the doors



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